Unlock Your Intuition, Master Your Unique Coaching Style & Create a Signature Program that Sells & Serves Without Needing Tons of Followers, Worrying About Finding Clients, or Under-charing Ever Again.

April 21st - 25th @ 12pm Daily

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Harness the Power of the

Unknown to Expert System

and Become a Guide to Millions Who Need You.

Session 1

Monday, April 21st @ 12pm - 1pm EST

Claim Your Confidence as a Intuitive Coach

  • Clear away the limiting programming and self-doubt of the past, clarify your vision and purpose, and stop worrying about rejection and judgment, all while owning your power and staying compassionate and connected to those who need you.

Session 2

Tuesday, April 22nd @ 12pm - 1pm EST

Unlock Your Intuition & Unique Coaching Style

  • Harness the power of your five intuitive gateways and get clear on you uniquely (and specifically) use them to help get results so you stand out by simply....being you. No more chasing clients - you become the obvious choice.

Session 3

Wednesday, April 23rd @ 12pm - 1pm EST

Define Your Natural Niche to Call In Dream Clients

  • You five years ago is who your ideal client is today. How do you speak to them in a way that makes their ears perk with excitement? Tell your story. In this session, you'll identify two core brand stories that convert newbies into clients.

Session 4

Thursday, April 24th @ 12pm - 1pm EST

Design A Signature Program That Sells & Serves

  • Using our 3-step Goldilocks Method, you'll identify the common thread that runs through each of your perfect clients, and then weave together a soulful, freeing and fun coaching program that gives you the foundation to scale, and the flexibility to still meet your clients right where they are.

Session 5

Friday, April 25th @ 12pm - 1pm EST

Set High-Value Rates That Skyrocket Growth

  • Get out of trading your time for money and stop undercharging by using a simple two-step process that up-scales your rate and reflects the real value of your work!